
Naturally Thin Kids


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Junk food, fast food, kid couch potatoes who won’t eat the good food you do fix-what can you do? With kids’ obesity on the rise, are you worried about your kids’ eating and weight? Are you, along with millions of other parents in this country, confused about what to do about your kids’ lousy eating habits? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to inoculate them against weight and eating struggles for life? Well, you can!

Naturally Thin® Kids – How to Protect Your Kids from Obesity and Eating Disorders for Life is a book about the patterns of eating that get kids in trouble. The patterns of eating that your kids develop can easily lead to weight and eating struggles that may last a lifetime. Naturally Thin® Kids teaches you to reprogram these patterns to safeguard your kids from these painful and health-threatening conditions. Yes, you can inoculate your kids against obesity and eating disorders-for life! Find out HOW in Naturally Thin® Kids.

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Publisher: Heartland Book Company, 2006
Format: Paperback, 208 pages
ISBN-10: 0962535192
ISBN-13: 978-0962535192
Price: $5.00 + Shipping

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